Issue #51

Last Update May 5, 2007

Commentary November 6, 2006  This issue contains another in our series of articles that takes a detailed look at important legislation; we read the law so you don’t have to. The Act under discussion is provision of the Defense Appropriations Act of 2007, another in a series of provisions intended to dismantle our democracy and replace it with a Presidential dicatorship. A few years ago such a statement would have been a sign of hysteria; the history of the last six years, unfortunately, has made that statement a fairly reasonable one. Read the article to see one more step in the unraveling of our system of checks and balances. 

The elections of 2006 will be a significant test of electoral mechanics, and also a test of whether our electorate has been paying attention. Failure of either test will have real, negative consequences for our country. After the elections, we will present articles analyzing the results. Until then, we have our fingers crossed. We urge our readers to  fight hard to prevent or overturn the results of unfair or undemocratic polling place operation or vote counting. 

The Holiday season is fast approaching. Assuming we survive the elections without a civil war, many of you will be attending concerts and other musical events. Two of the articles in this issue of New York Stringer Magazine describe recent concerts by the New York Composers Circle and Early Music New York. Both organizations will be performing again in December in New York City. Their music is well worth hearing. 

Finally, we are publishing an unsolicited article by Morris Reid, a Democratic strategist and PR person.The article points to the current crop of African-American candidates for office as a harbinger of enhanced black participation in office at all governmental levels. We invite comments on this article.   

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