Issue #44

Last Update March 2, 2006

Commentary   This issue of New York Stringer marks the beginning of its third year of publication. Our start, just after 9/11, came amidst the upset and confusion of that event; since then, we have commented on domestic and international events (by and large depressing), technology (by and large hopeful), finance (usually instructive) and the arts (more fun than everything else put together).

In our first Commentary we asked why the world needed another e-zine. Two years later we have a better answer to that question: we are needed because there are distressingly few publications that comment on national and world events without putting a false, rosy gloss on the picture. We are needed because most publications don't have time to review the new and unknown artists and musicians. We are needed because major events are occurring in technology and finance under the radar of the person in the street, but which will impact his or her life significantly at some point, and we are uniquely qualified to recognise these events and explain their significance in layman's terms.

Although our articles express opinion, our publication is not closed to opposing points of view. We invite our readers and their friends and acquaintances to submit articles on topics of interest to them. These articles should be between 350 and 700 words long (we will occasionally publish a piece longer than 700 words). We will edit these pieces for grammar, spelling and punctuation, but not for content. We do not pay for articles, and retain republication rights, although you are free to reuse elsewhere any of your articles that we have published.

Our goals for the coming year are to increase the number of articles we publish each issue, to broaden the political spectrum of our articles and enhance debate, and to make the publication look a little more spiffy. We encourage all of you to help with comments, letters, articles and occasional cheers.

Onward to year three.

New York Stringer is published by For all communications, contact David Katz, Editor and Publisher, at

All content copyright 2005 by

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